Wednesday 5 June 2013

Busy Patron!

Hi, all

Just thought I'd let you know what I've been up to lately, work-wise. I think being your Patron is bringing me good luck - I've never been so busy with writing!

In the last few weeks, I've been working on four different books! That's never happened to me before. They are:
  • Stinkbomb & Ketchup-Face and the Badgers of Badness - the book's nearly ready to go to the printers, and I've been checking to make sure there are no mistakes. Good job I did - half a sentence was missing from Chapter Three!
  • Stinkbomb & Ketchup-Face and the Quest for the Magic Porcupine - the wonderful David Tazzyman's about to start the illustrations, but first I had to chop out about a third of the story! It was much longer than the first one, and my editor suddenly realised how much longer. I had to lose a few bits I really liked, but I was able to cut out a surprising amount just by losing a word here and a word there
  • A Midsummer Night's Dream - I've been asked to retell the story for a schools' reading scheme. I finished the first draft last night and am about to send it to the editor; which means that now I can do the first draft of:
  • The Story of Sir Dave - this is for another reading scheme; they asked me to write a story set in the time of King Arthur. I worked out the storyline a couple of weeks ago, and now I've got to write it!
Along with Twice Upon A Time, which I think I told you about, this means I should have 5 books coming out in the next year or two - or maybe even more, as I've just been asked by OUP (who are publishing Stinkbomb & Ketchup-Face) if I'd write a funny Christmas story for them.

On top of all that, I appeared at the Wychwood Festival at the weekend ( pictures below);
I had a school visit yesterday; and now I'm off to Glasgow for the West End Festival up there! Better go!

Philip Ardagh trying to climb into my ear

My daughter and her friend giving me a purple quiff

Me doing my thing at Wychwood!

A quick strum at the signing table