Monday 20 May 2013

Bedtime reading

Hiya, WEJies!!!

Do you have a bedtime story-time? It's one of my favourite times of day.

We don't manage it every night, mind you - now my children are 12 & 10 there are nights when they don't get in till it's just too late to squeeze a story in - but we do it as often as we can.

It's not always easy finding a story they both want to hear - my son prefers action adventures, my daughter likes gentler stories - but we manage. Books we've enjoyed together recently include Watership Down by Richard Adams, and Goodnight Mister Tom by Michelle Magorian - both brilliant books - and we've just finished Philip Ardagh's The Grunts In Trouble.

We're currently on Gene Kemp's The Turbulent Term of Tyke Tiler, and we're loving it. The only problem is that sometimes, while they're waiting for me, they do a bit of reading of their own - and then, when I'm ready, I have to wait for them to get to the end of a chapter! Here's a picture I took last night, before I got started on the next chapter of Tyke Tiler:

My son's reading Double or Die by Charlie Higson (part of the Young Bond series), and my daughter's reading Vern and Lettuce by Sarah McIntyre.

What's your favourite bedtime reading? Any recommendations, bearing in mind my children's differing tastes?


Wednesday 8 May 2013

Jack Slater, Monster Investigator video clip


Here is a great video clip of John Dougherty reading an extract from his book Jack Slater, Monster Investigator. Watch it and let him know what you think. Has it persuaded you to read the book for yourself?

Wednesday 1 May 2013

Chat with John Dougherty

Tell him your news and views...

Books we love reading

Hi John, hope you are well. Here are some books we have read and enjoyed over the last few weeks. Have you read anything good?